Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Can anyone access the information contained in the office of the Register of Deeds?

Yes, all records filed in the Register of Deeds Office are public record.  Anyone can view and obtain a copy of any public document on file in the office.  We are restricted as to who is authorized to obtain certified copies of vital records.  Military discharges on file are not considered public records.

Does your office search titles?

No.  North Carolina General Statutes strictly prohibit the staff of the Register of Deeds Office from performing title searches.  The individual or a legal representative may perform the search.

Are Wills and Divorces filed in the Register of Deeds Office?

Separation agreements are recorded  in the Register of Deeds Office, but wills and Divorces are filed in the Clerk of Courts Office.

How can I transfer names on a deed or remove a name?

You should consult with an attorney or legal representative.

How long will it take for documents submitted for recording to be returned?

All documents that are recorded with the Vance County Register of Deeds Office are returned or placed in the mail the next day.

Do I need an appointment to take my notary oath?

No appointment is necessary. 

Does your office accept Electronic Recordings?

Yes, we accept Electronic Recordings also known as E-Filings through two vendors. Simplifile & CSC.

Can the Register of Deeds Office tell me who owns a particular piece of property by an address?

No, our records are indexed by name.   You may contact the Vance County Tax Office to assist you by address to locate a property owners name.

Do you have blank forms to use for documents?

No, we do not house any blank forms for recorded documents.  The Secretary of State website may have some forms available. 

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