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Holiday Schedule: County Offices and Solid Waste Sites

County Offices will be closed Friday, December 23rd, Monday, December 26th and Tuesday, December 27th in observance of Christmas and Monday, January 2nd for New Years Day.

County Solid Waste Sites will close on Saturday, December 24th at noon and remain closed Sunday and Monday, December 25th and 26th for Christmas.  Normal schedule will resume on Tuesday, December 27th.

County Solid Waste Sites will be closed on Sunday, January 1st for the New Year holiday.

County to Consider Conditional Zoning

The County Planning Board will begin reviewing a proposed amendment to the County’s Zoning Ordinance to implement conditional zoning at their upcoming meeting on Thursday, December 8th at 4PM.  Conditional Zoning is a legislative process in which an applicant proposes a property rezoning, but also presents a site specific development plan that is considered by the approval board (board of commissioners) for approval along with the rezoning.  In addition the process allows the board to come to an agreement with the applicant on additional conditions within the rezoning and site plan.  For a copy of background information on Conditional Zoning and the proposed ordinance amendment see the following link: Conditional Zoning


State of the County

Chairman Leo Kelly and County Manager Jordan McMillen are set to provide a state of the county address on November 10, 2022.  The event is sponsored through the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club of Henderson.  The presentation will provide an opportunity for business and local government to come together.  According to Manager McMillen the presentation will provide an opportunity for educating the business community on county government, informing from a data standpoint on the recent strong economy in the County, and allowing for an overview of projects and initiatives the County is moving forward.

The slides from the presentation are available at the following link: Presentation PowerPoint Slides

Water Outage Advisory and Boil Water Notice


On Friday, October 14, 2022 Kerr Lake Regional Water System had to make a repair to their main waterline.  Vance County purchases water from Kerr Lake Regional Water System and as a result of their repair customers at multiple locations in the Dabney, Williamsboro area on the County water system are experiencing low pressure/no water.

Once water service is reestablished and as a precaution until additional testing can confirm the absence of coliform bacteria, you are advised to boil all water used for human consumption or use bottled water. Bring all water to a boil, let it boil for one minute, and let it cool before using, or use bottled water. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and food preparation until further notice. Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water. Once negative test results are received, the residents will be notified, and the boil water notice will be rescinded. Thank you for your cooperation and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please call Envirolink, Inc. 888-754-9878

County Water Outage Advisory and Boil Water Notice

On Friday, September 30, 2022 Kerr Lake Regional Water System experienced a main break. Vance County purchases water from Kerr Lake Regional Water System and as a result of their main break customers at multiple locations on the County water system are experiencing low pressure/no water.

Once water service is reestablished and as a precaution until additional testing can confirm the absence of coliform bacteria, you are advised to boil all water used for human consumption or use bottled water. Bring all water to a boil, let it boil for one minute, and let it cool before using, or use bottled water. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and food preparation until further notice. Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water. Once negative test results are received, the residents will be notified, and the boil water notice will be rescinded. Thank you for your cooperation and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please call Envirolink, Inc. 888-754-9878

State Awards Broadband Funding (GREAT grant) for Expansion in Vance County

This week the Governor announced the next round of state GREAT grants which includes a grant to Connect Holding II, LLC (dba Brightspeed) for expansion of fiber to the home broadband in Vance County.  The grant amount totaled $1,970,990.20 and will be used to serve 664 additional households in Vance County.  We anticipate hearing from the state in the coming days on the specific areas to be served with these funds.  This project is a part of the County’s efforts to partner with and encourage our internet service providers to expand coverage to the unserved and underserved areas of the County.

County Releases RFQ for Jail Space and Facilities Need Study


Pursuant to the General Statutes of North Carolina, statements of qualification will be received for the following:



Vance County Government and the Vance County Sheriff’s Office are seeking firms interested in providing services for a Jail Needs Assessment. Statements of qualification will be accepted until 1:00 PM on Monday, September 26, 2022 for the above named item. Prior experience in jail needs assessments is encouraged. Vance County encourages submittals from minority businesses by providing certified minorities an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of the RFQ process. One digital copy in .pdf format of said statements of qualifications must be submitted by email to Vance County’s Finance Director, Katherine Bigelow at Additional RFQ submittal requirements may be obtained by contacting Ms. Bigelow at 252-738-2006.

A complete copy of the RFQ can be obtained here:  Jail Space and Facility Needs Assessment RFQ

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