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Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Don Davis

Congressman Don Davis (replacement for former Representative G.K. Butterfield) has scheduled a town hall in Henderson as an opportunity to hear from the citizens.  This meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 22nd at 6:30PM at the Perry Memorial Library.

Vance County Welcomes Chris Dillon as Assistant County Manager

Vance County Welcomes Chris Dillon as Assistant County Manager

Vance County, North Carolina (February 3, 2023) – Vance County is pleased to announce the hiring of Chris Dillon as the County’s Assistant County Manager. He will begin in this position on February 13, 2023.

Dillon comes to Vance County having previously served nearly seven and a half years in various roles for Wake County. These roles included Intergovernmental Relations Manager, Assistant County Manager, and Senior Assistant County Manager where he oversaw transportation, economic development, workforce development, and elections staff. In these roles, he was the chief county representative to the federal, state, and local governments and was instrumental in assisting the county in its negotiations for business incentive grants with several large economic development investments. Prior to his time in Wake County, he spent four years as director of governmental affairs for the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and prior to that served over six years as Deputy Chief of Staff for Special Projects in the Office of the President Pro Tempore at the North Carolina Senate. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience having authored several successful pieces of legislation at the state level and has built key relationships across the state.

Dillon has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from Campbell University and has completed various continuing education programs including the Public Executive Leadership Academy at the University of North Carolina and the Colin Powell Professional Development Academy through the National Association of Counties. He is a former Eagle Scout and strongly committed to public service.

Mr. Dillon brings 23 years of federal, state and local government policy and management experience to the County. He will be a welcome addition to the county’s management team.

Vance County Animal Services FREE Spay/Neuter Program

The Vance County Animal Shelter offers a FREE spay and neuter program to Vance County residents who are low-income households.  The Vance County Animal Shelter also offers assistance with spaying and neutering feral cats at no charge.  Please contact the shelter directly to find out if you qualify at 252-492-3136.

All surgeries will be performed by qualified local veterinary staff every other Wednesday and every Thursday.  Drop off at the shelter by 8:00 a.m. on the day of surgery, and the animal will be ready for pick up at the shelter at 4:00 p.m. that same day.

A rabies vaccine will be required for those pets whose owners cannot provide written documentation of the pets’ last rabies vaccination.  The shelter offers a one-year rabies vaccine for $5 dollars that the animal can receive up to 48 hours before the surgery.  Owners can also elect for the pet to receive a $10 rabies vaccination, given by the veterinarian, the day of surgery.

Some benefits of spaying and neutering your animal include:

  • No heat cycle, therefore, males will not be attracted to females.
  • Less desire to roam, therefore, less likely to be injured in fights or auto accidents.
  • Risk of multiple types of cancer is reduced (ovarian, testicular, and mammary).
  • Reduces unwanted kittens and puppies.
  • Reduces or eliminates the risk of spraying or marking.
  • Decreases aggressive behavior.
  • Helps dogs and cats live healthier, longer lives.

Please click here for the Spay/Neuter Program application.

Planned Railroad Crossing Closures for Maintenance Work

CSX has informed the County of the following planned railroad crossing closures.  During the closures, no vehicles will be able to cross the track at these locations.

  • SR1228- Chavasse Ave- closing on Feb 21st at 7am and will remain closed until Feb 23rd at 5pm
  • SR1143- St Matthews St- closing on Feb 27th at 7am and will remain closed until March 1st at 5pm

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