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Vance County is Soliciting Applications for its America 250th Planning Committee

In 2026, the United States will be celebrating the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  America 250 NC, a program of the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, is partnering with local governments and nonprofits throughout North Carolina to mark this anniversary.  Vance County will be forming a committee dedicated to planning and organizing events, projects, and initiatives at the county level.

If interested in serving on the planning committee, please complete the application here and return to Kelly H. Grissom, County Clerk, to the address or email listed on the application.

Early Voting Begins This Week

Early voting starts on October 17th and runs through November 2nd.
The early voting locations will be open Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am until 7:30 pm.
The sites will be open for one Saturday, on November 2nd from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm.

The sites are:

Eaton Johnson Gym, 500 N Beckford Dr, Henderson, NC 27536
Aycock Recreation Center (2nd floor), 307 Carey Chapel Rd, Henderson, NC 27537

For more information, please refer to the 2024 General Election brochure, available here.

Annual Opioid Settlement Meeting

Each county in North Carolina is required by the executed Memorandum of Agreement to hold an annual opioid settlement meeting with its municipalities to explain the MOA, review monies being received, and review approved uses of the funds.

Click here for more information.

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