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ABC Board Recognized For Paying Off Building Debt 7 Years Early

The Vance County Board of Commissioners recognized the ABC board for displaying sound financial principles and management during their July 6th meeting.  The ABC board retired their debt for the Vance County ABC Store 7 years early and saved $175,000 in interest costs.  Shown from left to right are….front left (David Parham, ABC Store General Manager), back row from left (Jerry Stainback, Anne Tucker, Arnold Bullock, Nancy Wilson – ABC Board Members; Andrea Harris – absent),  Commissioner Chair Dan Brummitt, Commissioner Vice-Chair Tommy Hester.

The Vance County ABC store is located at 874 S. Beckford Drive, Henderson, NC and operates Monday – Saturday 9AM to 9PM.


Hazard Mitigation Plan

Vance County has partnered with its surrounding counties and has participated in the development of a regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. This plan is intended to identify know areas within our jurisdictions that are susceptible to natural and manmade incidents and to address methods and practices that are intended to lessen or eliminate any impact from such occurrences. A public hearing will take place at the February Board of Commissioners Meeting and we are actively seeking input from the public as a part of this process. 

                Click HERE to download the full plan in PDF form



                Or click HERE to read an online version of the plan.


Vance County Introduces Online Permitting Capability

Vance County introduces online permitting capability. By clicking Permits – Online permitting from the county’s main webpage, citizens, contractors and interested individuals are now able to estimate permitting fees, search for contractors, download permit applications, check on the status of permits, and print out monthly permitting activity reports. All of this is available through the Permits and Inspections section of the online permitting.

By using the Code Enforcement area, citizens are now able to make a request or complaint and check on the status of active code enforcement cases. In the near future contractors will have the ability to create a log-in which will allow online submittal of permit applications as well as online requests for inspections. For questions regarding the new online permitting, please contact the Vance County Planning and Development Department at 252-738-2080.

Contact for Reporting Roadway and Traffic Related Complaints

Citizens in need of reporting roadway complaints or traffic related complaints or tracking previous complaints are encouraged to visit the new and improved reporting system at  Whether the condition is a pothole, blocked culvert, drainage issue, malfunctioning traffic light or other roadway related issues, NCDOT is readily available to respond.  In addition to this reporting method, The NCDOT Customer Service Office answers the department’s toll-free customer service line, from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, with extended hours as necessary for emergencies. The can be contacted at 1-877-DOT-4YOU.

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