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Vance County Aging Plan Survey


The Vance County Senior Center and Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging is seeking your input as they develop their Vance County Aging Plan. They are specifically interested in information about the needs of older adults, caregivers, or persons with disabilities within your county. Please support them by completing the Vance County Aging Plan Survey below.

Vance County Aging Plan Survey of County Issues:    Online Survey

Vance County Aging Plan Survey of County Issues:    PDF

Vance County Aging Profile: For Your Information


Hard copy surveys can be dropped off at the following locations:

County Manager/Finance Office (front desk)
122 Young Street, Ste. B
Henderson,  NC 27536
Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments
Area Agency on Aging
1724 Graham Avenue
Henderson, NC 27536
Vance County Senior Center
126 S. Garnett Street
Henderson, NC 27536

For more information or if you have any questions about the survey, please call (252) 436-2040.

Christmas Backpack Buddies Food Drive

Please support the Christmas Backpack Buddies Food Drive, December 1 – December 20, 2017. Donation times are Monday through Friday 8:30am – 5pm. The main drop-off location is the Vance County Cooperative Extension Office, located at 305 Young Street, Henderson, NC. For other drop-off locations and more information, please view the Christmas Food Drive Flyer.

County Property for Sale

The County website includes a listing of both county owned surplus real estate properties and jointly owned City-County properties with the City of Henderson that are available for purchase. Both listing of properties and acquisition process can be viewed by clicking on the “SURPLUS PROPERTIES – LAND” link below.



Speedway to Healthy

On behalf of Vance 4- H, E. M. Rollins Elementary School and NC A&T SU Cooperative Extension program, we would like to invite you to come see our students participating in a program that puts kids on a fast track to healthy habits.

What: Speedway to Healthy is a 1,200- square- foot, walk- through exhibit representing the human body. This creative educational exhibit teaches children in kindergarten through fifth (K- 5) grades how the foods they eat affect their bodies and their health.

When: Tuesday, November 28th – Thursday November 30th from 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.

Where: The exhibit is located inside the Gymnasium at E. M. Rollins Elementary School located at 1600 S. Garnett Saint Ext., Henderson, NC 27537.

Significance: Participants will have an opportunity to experience this unique traveling exhibit focusing on the human body . Childhood obesity is a widespread issue in the state and the nation, with North Carolina having the 23rd highest rate of childhood obesity. The Speedway to Healthy project was created as a resource to fight childhood obesity and poor health among children in North Carolina.

County Leadership Forum on Opioid Abuse

County Leadership Forum on Opioid Abuse for Granville and Vance Counties. Learn the full effects of the opioid crisis on our counties’ citizens, discover resources available to help families, and develop collaborative strategies for effective education, prevention and treatment.

Vance-Granville Community College Civic Center, October 17 from 2PM to 5PM

Questions? Contact Lisa Harrison —

Interested in Receiving Weather/Emergency Related Updates

For weather/emergency related event updates, please register for the County’s CODE RED Warning System. All existing county landlines are enrolled in the system. This system will notify you in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts.

Code Red Registration


For real-time updates and information please like the Vance County Emergency Operations and the Vance County Government Facebook Pages.



Vance County is not requesting free water tests

Vance County Water District water customers may have received a letter recently requesting that residents allow DVR labs, also known as Carolina Fresh Water located in Greensboro, N.C., to complete a free water test. According to the company’s website, the water test will ensure that homeowners have clean, safe drinking water.

Residents should be aware that the company has no affiliation with Vance County. The testing is also NOT the result of any issue with Vance County Water District drinking water, and such testing was not requested by the county.

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