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Internal Talking Points for 8/11 Day

Internal talking points for 8/11 day 

Many stakeholders often begin each meeting with a safety message. Below NC811 has provided talking points that can be presented at your company’s next safety meeting on or around Aug. 11 to help educate employees about 811 and its role in protecting the safety of workers, customers and entire communities.

 Key messages:

· Every digging project requires a call to 811.

· Calling 811 (3) working days prior to digging notifies utility companies of the intent to dig and gives representatives time to mark the appropriate lines.

· Aug. 11 is 8/11 on the calendar, a natural reminder for people to call 811.

How 811 works:

· 811 can be called from anywhere in the country.

· A representative from your local one call center will answer the call to find out the location and description of the digging site.

· The affected utility companies will be notified of the intent to dig.

· The utility companies will each send a professional locator to the digging site to identify and mark the approximate location of the underground lines.

· Once lines have been marked, you should respect the marks and dig carefully around them.

Types of projects:

· Lines need to be marked for each separate project, such as installing a rural mailbox, putting up a fence, planting trees or building a deck.

· Call (3) working days prior to digging to allow time for professional locators to mark the utility lines.

· Even if you’ve hired a contractor, make sure the contractor calls 811 to have lines marked.


· Every nine minutes an underground utility line is damaged because someone decided to dig without first calling 811.

· Hitting an underground utility line while digging can cause serious injuries, disrupt service to entire neighborhoods, and potentially result in fines and repair costs.

 More information:

· To learn more about 811, visit

Vance County Releases RFQ for Engineering Services: Henderson-Vance Industrial Park Phase III – Infrastructure Improvements


 Henderson-Vance Industrial Park Phase III





Vance County has received notification of their award of a NC Rural Ready Sites Grant.  The grant will provide $2,456,575 which will provide infrastructure improvements to include water, sewer, roadway and stormwater improvements to serve the next phase of the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park in Vance County, North Carolina.  The total project cost is estimated to be $2,456,575, 100% of which will be provided with grant funds.

Vance County is hereby soliciting proposals for engineering services to aid in the implementation of the proposed project.  Persons or firms interested in submitting a proposal for these services may contact Ms. Sherry Moss, Special Projects Coordinator – Vance County – 252/738-2005 for an information packet, which outlines the scope of work for the services solicited.  All proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 7, 2018.

This information is available in Spanish or any other language upon request. Please contact Ms. Sherry Moss, Special Projects Coordinator at 252/738-2005 or at 122 Young Street, Suite B, Henderson, North Carolina for accommodations for this request.

Esta información está disponible en español o en cualquier otro idioma bajo petición. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Ms. Sherry Moss, Coordinador de proyectos especiales at 252/838-2005 or at 122 Young Street, Suite B, Henderson, North Carolina de alojamiento para esta solicitud.

Vance County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  Local, minority, female owned, and small businesses are encouraged to submit proposals.  Vance County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

RFQ for Engineering – Industrial Park – Information Packet

NCDOT Spring Litter Sweep: April 14-28, 2018

The NCDOT sponsored “Spring 2018 Litter Sweep” runs April 14-28. Litter Sweep is the NC Department of Transportation’s statewide roadside litter removal initiative in which volunteers from local businesses, schools, non-profits, and community groups participate in local efforts to help clean up North Carolina’s roadways. Adopt-A-Highway groups are also encouraged to participate. For more information, you may click on the 2018 Litter Sweep “News Release”. Please review the flyer below or visit the website at:



Henderson-Vance County Business Broadband Survey

Vance County has partnered with Kerr Tar COG to coordinate the implementation of a regional broadband plan. The purpose of the business broadband survey is to learn the current extent and need of internet/broadband service in the Henderson-Vance County business community. Also, the survey responses will help in determining opportunities for attracting faster internet/broadband service.

The business broadband survey only consists of 15 questions, and can be completed in less than four minutes. Results of the survey will be confidential. The link for the survey is:

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