E-911 Profile
The consolidated Henderson – Vance County E-911 Center is a state of the art facility on the ground floor of the Vance County Courthouse Complex located at 156 Church Street in Henderson, NC. We employ the latest technology and cutting edge life – safety practices designed to provide you and your family with the care and protection you deserve. We have a dedicated staff of 20 full time employees and 4 auxiliary employees that are well trained and have a strong commitment to helping others.
Originally formed in 1987, the inherent benefits and the vision of a consolidated 911 Center was realized early on. By having all Emergency 911 calls routing to a single location, it eliminated the chance of a 911 call being lost and reduced the amount of time it took dispatch the call. Over the years we have continued to operate in a consolidated manner providing 911 services to all citizens of the City of Henderson and Vance County.
In August of 1999, the department made the transition from “Basic” to “Enhanced” level service. This move represented the single biggest change in the history of the department and provided the 911 Telecommunicators with location information and telephone information on all 911 calls that were made from a land based telephone. This was a tremendous leap forward allowing us to help people in their time of need even faster.
In February of 2007, the department deployed the technology that allows us to locate 911 callers that call via cellular phones. This monumental change allowed us to respond even faster and with greater accuracy to cellular 911 calls and significantly improved public safety. Since its deployment, this information has helped us locate missing people, locate accidents and fires and has assisted law enforcement with locating fugitives and with crime scene management.
In December of 2004 we implemented of our Emergency Medical Dispatch program and are now considered advanced life support providers by the NC Office of Emergency Medical Services. Additionally, in April of 2015 we deployed our Emergency Fire Dispatch program. Both the EMD and EFD certifications are through the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch. Their protocols are developed with input from the emergency dispatch centers and emergency responder communities from around the world. Therefore, not only are we able to provide critical life saving instructions to callers almost immediately, but we are confident that these instructions represent the “best practices” that the world has to offer.
Today, the 911 center is a model of interagency and intergovernmental cooperation. We strive very hard each and every day to provide the highest quality of customer service possible. Our courteous and competent staff stands ready to assist you in your time of need. We hope that you never need to call us, but we will always be here if you do.